正常的epub格式电子书可以通过sendtokindle推送给kindle,这里会显示成功,通过web端下载的epub格式的电子书就不行。但可以通过开源的阅读器打开epub,也可以阅读,我才可能是不符合亚马逊的一些规范,希望大佬优化下。Author GangYe293 commented Dec 25, 2024 sendtokindle的地址是这个:https://www.amazon.com/sendto...
If you received an email saying "There was a problem with the documents you sent to kindle" when you are sending documents to kindle, your documents did not go through. That means you failed to send documents to kindle. If you have the issue with send-to-kindle, here are some solutions...
Now Amazon has web pages up that allow documents to be sent via drag & drop without using email. It will be the easiest method to send files to Kindle.
把电子书导入 Kindle 有多种途径,书伴在《图解传书流程:把电子书放进 Kindle 的几种途径》一文中做了详细介绍,但是本质上只有两种方式,一是利用 Send to Kindle 服务推送到 Kindle(目前亚马逊提供了包括发邮件在内的五种方式),二是通过其它方式传输到 Kindle。那相比其它传输电子书的方式,把电子书推送到 Kindle ...
1获取适用于您的安卓手机或平板电脑的最新版本的 Kindle 阅读软件。 使用Send to Kindle 即表示您同意此处的条款。 支持的文件类型:PDF、DOC、DOCX、HTM、HTM、PNG、GIF、JPG、JPEG、BMP、EPUB 2打开或选择要发送的文件,然后点击“分享”图标。 3在共享选项中选择 Kindle。
By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, EPUB Max File Size: 200 MB Requires your browser permissions enabled for camera and photos ...
当您单击 Kindle 图标时,此扩展会将页面内容及其 URL 发送到 KTool 服务。然后,KTool 服务将内容打包成可供阅读器使用的格式,并将其传送到您的 Kindle。 您使用 KTool 服务处理的内容将在服务器上短暂缓存。 有关我们隐私页面的更多信息:https://ktool.io/privacy。如果您有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系。
You get to send up to 10 articles per month to your Kindle free of charge, and if you need more than that, there’s a $3-per-month premium tier you can sign up for. Push to Kindle does a good job of stripping out all the formatting that goes alongside web articles, and articles...
In regular calibre (which works to send books to kindle addresses), there's only options for TLS and SSL encryption with SSL selected. My mailserver only uses port 465 for ssl. Calibre-web's section is SSL/TLS. Do any of you think thatthatcould be the issue? Could i change anything ...
So why would you limit it to just books? Here's how to send and read web articles to your Kindle. 1. Send to Kindle Amazon offers an official browser extension for adding online stories to your Kindle library. Whenever you come across an article you'd like to send, all you need to ...