1To find your Send to Kindle email address, go toManage Your Content & Devices> Preferences > Personal Document Settings. By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, EPUB ...
1To find your Send to Kindle email address, go toManage Your Content & Devices> Preferences > Personal Document Settings. By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, EPUB ...
Send documents to your Kindle as an email attachment You and your approved contacts can send documents to your registered Kindle devices, free Kindle reading applications, and your Kindle Library in the Amazon Cloud by e-mailing them to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address ([name]@kindle.com)....
3. 在上步的页面里顺便找到你的【〖发送至Kindle〗电子邮箱 】的邮箱地址。 找到你的发送至kindle的邮箱 4.点击Kindle 插件,在【My Kindle's email address:】里填入你的邮箱地址。 填写发送至kindle的邮箱地址 5.点击Save. 保存 6,配置完成。 使用: 你看到文章时点击插件图标,预览kindle看到的效果,点击send按钮...
✅Step 2:Then, Personal Document Settings > Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings ✅Step 3:Click the “Edit” (Actions) option next to your Email Address. ✅Step 4:Here, you can enter/change your desired Kindle email address. It’ll end up with the @kindle.com address. ...
If you're unable to transfer books to Kindle via USB, you can still send documents from Mac to your Kindle eReader, Kindle Fire, or Kindle reading app by e-mailing them to your Send-to-Kindle email address. Your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address is a unique e-mail address assigned to ...
Where can I find my Send-to-Kindle email address? You can find your Send-to-Kindle email address on theManage Your Content and Devicespage on Amazon (you must be signed in). First, navigate to the "Devices" tab using the navigation bar at the top. Then find your Kindle in the device...
我下载Send to Kindle for PC这个软件(Amazon.com: Send to Kindle for PC ),据说是可以直接传书到Kindle的。安装后输入在中国亚马逊注册的邮箱和密码,提示:There was an error with your e-mail address and password combination. Please try again. 看来真如 @韩遂 所说,中亚的账号暂时还无法使用Send to...
1.Locate your Send-to-Kindle email.This is a specific Kindle email address that is attached to each Kindle device or app.You can find your Kindle email address by visiting the"Manage your Devices''page from your Amazon profile. •Login to your Amazon.com account.From there,click on the...
Drag & drop the Mobi files to the App, and click on the "Send" button. Then just open your Kindle and you'll find the books Frequently Asked Questions Q1: Where can I find the send-to-kindle email address? A: You can find your send-to-kindle email address on Kindle eReader or Am...