Solved: Hi All, I'm attempting to transmit a small (5 byte) UDP message on the broadcast I.P. address for my local network ( and am not
I can't send udp packet to local network without gateway. But can send to broadcast address ( #define PORT 5000 #include <EtherCard.h> #include <IPAddress.h> uint8_t macAddr[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1 }; uint8_t ipAddr[] = { 172, 16, 255, 1 }; uint...
family, including a broadcast or any multicast address. To send to a broadcast address, an application must have usedsetsockopt (Windows Sockets)with SO_BROADCAST enabled. Otherwise,sendtowill fail with the error code WSAEACCES. For TCP/IP, an application can send to any multicast address. ...
If you want to send data to a broadcast address, you must first call the SetSocketOption method and set the socket option to SocketOptionName.Broadcast. You must also be sure that the size does not exceed the maximum packet size of the underlying service provider. If it does...
When we requested SNMP with a broadcast source IP address '10.x.x.255', nothing is returned and following error message was shown in/var/log/messagesat the snmpd server: Raw snmpd[xxxx]: send response: Failure in sendto In the strace ofsnmpdservice,sendmsgreturnedENETUNREACHbefore the mess...
to参数可以是套接字地址系列中的任何有效地址,包括广播地址或任何多播地址。 若要发送到广播地址,应用程序必须使用启用了SO_BROADCAST的 setsockopt。 否则,sendto将失败并显示错误代码WSAEACCES。 对于 TCP/IP,应用程序可以发送到任何多播地址 (,而无需成为组成员) 。
aNetwork programmers use the local broadcast address to send a broadcast message destined for all devices on a particular subnet. The idea is to localize a broadcast message so that other networks are not affected by the broadcast. 网络程序员在一个特殊子网使用地方广播地址送为所有设备注定的广播消...
family, including a broadcast or any multicast address. To send to a broadcast address, an application must have usedsetsockopt (Windows Sockets)with SO_BROADCAST enabled. Otherwise,sendtowill fail with the error code WSAEACCES. For TCP/IP, an application can send to any multicast address. ...
to參數可以是通訊端位址系列中的任何有效位址,包括廣播或任何多播位址。 若要傳送至廣播位址,應用程式必須使用setockopt並啟用SO_BROADCAST。 否則,sendto將會失敗,並出現錯誤碼WSAEACCES。 針對 TCP/IP,應用程式可以傳送至任何多播位址 (,而不需要成為群組成員) 。