@@ -38,19 +42,29 @@ class AmountField extends Component<*, { validTransactionError: ?Error }> { } } onChange = (amount: number) => { onChange = (amount: BigNumber) => { const { bridge, account, transaction, onChangeTransaction } = this.props onChangeTransaction(bridge.editTransaction...
Vue 父组件ajax异步更新数据,子组件props获取不到 当父组件 axjos 获取数据,子组件使用 props 接收数据时,执行 mounted 的时候 axjos 还没有返回数据,而且 mounted 只执行一次,这时 props 中接收的数据为空 解决方案:在对应组件中判断数据的长度
@@ -66,7 +67,13 @@ class SendPage extends React.Component<{ selectedRequest } = this.props.sendStore; sendRequest(selectedRequest); sendRequest(selectedRequest).catch(e => { console.log(e); const errorMessage = (e instanceof ApiError && e.apiErrorMessage) ? e.apiErrorMessage : e.me...
const {createUserWithPhoneNumber} = this.props; if (!user) { **// check for confirm only when user is not available in authStateChanged** confirmResult .confirm(verificationCode) .then((user) => { createUserWithPhoneNumber(user); }); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.unSubscribe(); ...
don't understand how to split tbh and why need? what should be in .layout? Collaborator kyranjamie Dec 12, 2024 • edited There are components with many style props, can't they be in a layout component? In getAddresses the entire Approver component is in the layout, such that the ro...
props: props, __changed__: changed} = assigns) do + assigns |> IO.inspect() + + assigns = + assigns + |> assign(:ssr_render, ssr_render(name, props, changed)) + |> assign(:id, id(assigns.name)) + + ~H""" + <.live_component + module={LiveSvelte.LiveComponent} + i...