postMessage(data,origin)方法接受两个参数:你需要传递的消息,消息传递的格式有一定要求:参数可以是JavaScript的任意基本类型或可复制的对象,然而并不是所有浏览器都做到了这点儿,部分浏览器只能处理字符串参数,所以建议直接传递... html5 postMessage解决跨域、跨窗口消息传递 ...
1<scripttype="text/javascript">2//postMessage3window.addEventListener("message",function(event){4$("div").css("backgroundColor","#";5});6$(function($){7//$("#myIframe")[0].contentWindow.postMessage("getMessage", ""); 放此地方报错,iframe的src还未...
spy-on-postmessage spying-on-methods ssh-deploy-from-ci ssr-e2e stand-your-own-crash-server starting-promises starting-to-react status-dashboard-from-markdown stop-angular-overrides stop-the-money-pipeline stub-form-that-opens-2nd-tab stub-location stub-navigator-api stub-react-...
await wait_for_message('FRAME_READY', SECURE_ORIGIN); // Have the frame navigate itself, possibly cross-site. w.postMessage({ type: 'navigate-iframe', url: iframe_url_to }, '*'); let message = await wait_for_message('FRAME_COOKIES_SET', SECURE_ORIGIN); // Check for the proper ...
postMessage- To: Information and samples for HTML5 and related APIs Using postMessage to post messages between windows & iframes. Code used in this page view sourceprint? 01.window.onload =function() { 02.variframeWin = document.getElementById("da-iframe").contentWindow, ...
在Cross-document messaging 中使用 postMessage 和 onmessage 为了实现不同域之间的通信,需要在操作系统的 hosts 文件添加两个域名,进行模拟。 清单3. hosts 文件中添加两个不同的域名 在父网页中通过 iframe 嵌入子页面,并在 JavaScript 代码中调用 postMessage 方法发...
Ever had the need to communicate between windows or the current window and an inner iframe? Across domains as well? I bet you have, but now we have a nice option for doing that! The solution is called postMessage and is part of the HTML5 Web Messaging sp
import { BroadcastChannel } from 'broadcast-channel'; declare type Message = { foo: string; }; const channel: BroadcastChannel<Message> = new BroadcastChannel('foobar'); channel.postMessage({ foo: 'bar' });Enforce options globallyWhen you use this module in a test-suite, it is recommended ...
low latency: When you postMessage to a channel, it will be delivered to other channels as soon as possible, lossless: When you send a message, it should be impossible that the message is lost before other channels recieved it, low idle workload: During the time when no messages are send...