I'm editing a photo in Lightroom and exporting it to Photoshop. I work on it in Ps then save it as I have always done. When I go back to Lightroom all that is there is a gray screen and image is not being added to Lightroom. The file is being saved back to the sour...
On an iPad Pro I am trying to use the full workflow starting from Lightroom Mobile, editing in Photoshop for iPad and, after my edits, returning back to Lightroom using the command "Send to Lightroom" now available in Photoshop for iPad (ver. 2.3). The issue is that, ...
在按Delete 以删除以前发布的照片时,Lightroom Classic 将它们标记为“要移去的已删除照片”。它们会从 Lightroom Classic 发布服务面板中的收藏夹中移除。但是,已删除的照片不会自动从 Adobe Stock Contributor 门户网站移除 — 您需要手动将其移除。 上传...
Last week my canon professional print and layout software just stopped sending my images to print. I keep getting the error " Error - please check the printer's operational panel or remote UI" in the print job screen (see image below). Lightroom & Photoshop ...
Lightroom Classic 公開マネージャーダイアログボックスの Flickr のアカウントで「ログイン」をクリックします。 プロンプトに従って操作し、Flickr と Lightroom Classic の間の通信を許可します。 公開マネージャーで、追加の書き出しオプションを指定します。 公開サービス 公開サービスパネ...
In addition to importing assets from Creative Cloud Libraries into the Photoshop Mix app, Adobe notes that users will also be able to “pull Photoshop documents (including layers and masks) into Mix for editing on the go.” As you might expect, the Send to Lightroom feature allows users to...
https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/i-cannot-open-a-jpeg-in-camera-raw/td...Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 13.4, Photoshop 25.11, ACR 16.4, Lightroom 7.4.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 14.1.2, Windows-11. ...
In Response To raphaels28255986 I would suggest keeping it at 16 bit and as Pro Photo RGB if the other person has that same working space set up in Photoshop; then you can import it back into Lightroom and use your own print profile. Otherwise use sRGB which is the most ...
单击模块按钮下方的“发布”按钮(在图像显示区域上方)。 成功完成上传后,Lightroom Classic 会显示“图像已成功上传”对话框。 您可以单击此对话框中的继续上传到 Adobe Stock 链接以继续访问 Adobe Stock Contributor 门户。 请参阅 Adobe Stock | 上传和管理内容,以了解更多详细信息。更多...
了解有关共享照片的所有信息。通过电子邮件将您的照片从 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 发送或发布到 Adobe Stock 和 Flickr。