void msg_send_packet(int pnum, const void *packet, DWORD dwSize) { TMegaPkt *packeta; TFakeCmdPlr cmd; if (pnum != sgnCurrMegaPlayer) { sgnCurrMegaPlayer = pnum; cmd.bCmd = FAKE_CMD_SETID; cmd.bPlr = pnum; msg_send_packet(pnum, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } packeta = sgpCurrPkt...
Click the "Download MC-WOL.EXE" link at the bottom of the page and save the MC-WOL.exe file to a location on the local hard drive, such as C:\Temp. Step 3 Open the Windows command prompt by clicking "Start" and "Run." Type "CMD" into the dialog box and click the "OK" butto...
}caseMAV_CMD_DO_START_MAG_CAL:caseMAV_CMD_DO_ACCEPT_MAG_CAL:caseMAV_CMD_DO_CANCEL_MAG_CAL: result = tracker.compass.handle_mag_cal_command(packet);break;default:break; } mavlink_msg_command_ack_send( chan, packet.command, result);break; }// When mavproxy 'wp sethome'caseMAVLINK_MSG_...
DEBUG_E("Too big LBS packet, type %d, len %d", type, size);return; } hdr->type = type; hdr->size = size; hdr->subType = subType;memcpy((char*)(sendBuf) +sizeof(struct lbsPacketHeader), buf, size); pkt.magic =0xCAFECAFE; pkt.cmd = FIFO_PKT_LBS; pkt.data = sendBuf;ipc_...
Escape Characters inside Cmd Strings and PowerShell Strings Examples using Win32 api and C++ for notification tray program? Exception thrown at 0x771AB2D5 (ntdll.dll) in Magic.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x06FFFFFF. exe has triggered a breakpoint in vc++ mfc Executing ...
Escape Characters inside Cmd Strings and PowerShell Strings Examples using Win32 api and C++ for notification tray program? Exception thrown at 0x771AB2D5 (ntdll.dll) in Magic.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x06FFFFFF. exe has triggered a breakpoint in vc++ mfc Executing ...
开发者ID:kuldeepin,项目名称:NAT64,代码行数:38,代码来源:send_packet.c 示例4: command_ping ▲点赞 2▼ /** * \ingroup tcpcmd * \b PING-Befehl Sende "Ping" an angegebene Adresse */int16_tcommand_ping (char*outbuffer) {uint32_tvar =0;if(getLong(&var)) ...
ret =send_msg(g, cmd);free(cmd);if(ret <0) {returnfalse; } read_packet (g,false);if((ret = send_ack (g)) <0) {returnfalse; }if(strncmp(g->data,"OK",2)) {returnfalse; }returntrue; } 开发者ID:jroimartin,项目名称:radare2,代码行数:36,代码来源:core.c ...