写在前面: Kindle退出中国区服务后,对使用没啥影响;搭配Z-library,基本想要的功能都能实现。 最早我经常通过USB数据线传输,现在试了试Send to Kindle服务,通过这个路径上传的书籍,能实现多端同步,挺好的,遂记录下。 —— USB传输特点: 支持mobi、azw3格式(顺带一提,Amazon官方发邮件提示mobi格式已过时) 但不支...
If you're unable to transfer books to Kindle via USB, you can still send documents from Mac to your Kindle eReader, Kindle Fire, or Kindle reading app by e-mailing them to your Send-to-Kindle email address. Your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address is a unique e-mail address assigned to ...
If you just bought yourself a Kindle e-reader, you maybe be wondering whether you can transfer your books and documents stored on your PC or phone to your e-reader. Although the Kindle is tightly integrated into the Amazon ecosystem, Amazon lets you add your own ebooks and documents to the...
Amazonallows owners of itsKindlee-readers to send books that have not been purchased directly from Amazon to their devices, and there are a few ways to do so. The current generation ofKindle e-readers includes the Scribe, the largest model with a 10.2-inch screen and the first with stylus...
Note:While “Send to Kindle” is a great option for sending many file types to your Kindle device or app, it does not supportMOBI filesanymore. However, any existing MOBI files in your Kindle library won’t be affected by this change. ...
If you prefer to just save the file locally, you can use the toggle to disableAdd to your library. At that point, you’ll get a list of all your registered Kindle devices (or devices with Kindle apps), and you can specify one or more to send the file to. ...
z-library用不了了吗?可是我没有用send to kindle啊 来自: 红月亮 2023-07-30 01:58:11 安徽 如图,啥情况,我是直接在z-library里下载下来再传送到kindle软件上的,结果收到这条邮件,啥意思?以后连这样传送也不行了吗?赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 ...
you'll no longer be able to send MOBI (.AZW, .MOBI) files to your Kindle library using Send to Kindle. Meanwhile, beginning in late 2022, Send to Kindle applications will support EPUB (.EPUB) format. So you just need to decrypt your books but don't need to convert tepub to mobi ...
Send documents directly to your Kindle Library through Send to Kindle for Web, by email or with the Send to Kindle app if available.
Kindle官宣,从2022年8月开始,(Send to Kindle)服务将停止对MOBI 格式的支持,你将无法通过电子邮箱等方式推送这种格式的电子书。 亚马逊官方给出的理由是 MOBI 是一种旧格式,无法支持最新的Kindle文档功能。之前已经推送的 MOBI 格式不受影响。 我在Z-library和鸠摩搜书网站上下载了3种格式的《人类简史》,分别为azw...