Hi, I am trying to send email through codeigniter using zoho smtp, but it is giving the following error "Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method." My server configurations are as follows: $
if($this->form_validation->run()){ //Set Language $this->lang->load('site', $this->session->userdata('lang')); //Random key $user_valid_key = md5(uniqid()); //Prepare email $this->load->library('email', array('mailtype' => 'html')); $this->email->from($this->config-...
1、向ActiveMQ中放入消息 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java....
I'm new to codeigniter. I try to create a registration system. I am trying to follow thisregistration system. Everything works fine except sending emails. I check my mailbox, any mail exists. here is the file email.php under application/config ...
CodeIgniter comes with an email sending library built in. See more information on how touse CodeIgniter with SendGrid . (information) Info It is important to use the correct end of lines using "crlf" => "\r\n" and "newline" => "\r\n". ...
this, the SMTP server is always recommended to send email from the script in the web application. The PHPMailer library can be used tosend email with an SMTP server using PHP. You can integrate the PHPMailer library to send email from any PHP frameworks (CodeIgniter, Laravel, Lumen, etc.)...
The way I understand the documentation is that the build in Email class of Codeigniter 4 should be able to do this. And again, when using the build in class but not use smtp it words without a glitch. You're welcome. Well, If I'm not wrong I haven't tried sending email without ...
Step 3: Email SMTP Configuration In first step, you have to add send mail configuration with mail driver as gmail server, mail host, mail port, mail username, mail password so laravel 10 will use those sender details on email. So you can simply add as like following. So you can simply...
AddaddAddress()method multiple times for sending email to multiple recipients. // Add multiple recipients $mail->addAddress('john.doe@gmail.com','John Doe'); $mail->addAddress('mark@example.com');// name is optional Send Email using PHPMailer in CodeIgniter ...