Hi, I am trying to send email through codeigniter using zoho smtp, but it is giving the following error "Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method." My server configurations are as follows: $
The way I understand the documentation is that the build in Email class of Codeigniter 4 should be able to do this. And again, when using the build in class but not use smtp it words without a glitch. You're welcome. Well, If I'm not wrong I haven't tried sending email without ...
CodeIgniter comes with an email sending library built in. See more information on how touse CodeIgniter with SendGrid . (information) Info It is important to use the correct end of lines using "crlf" => "\r\n" and "newline" => "\r\n". ...
This tutorial will provide an example of how to send mail using phpmailer in laravel. you can see laravel phpmailer tutorial. We will use laravel send email using phpmailer. In this article, we will implement a how to run composer require phpmailer/phpmailer laravel. This is a modal window. ...
ajax无法调用codeigniter函数 、 This is Welcome controller method { diephp echo base_url();?php echo site_url('index.php/welcome/send_otp'); ?,即带有send_otp方法
对于PHP,我建议使用带有SMTP API的smtp服务器,以利用正确格式化,mime编码和发送电子邮件的现有库。值得...
I am using Codeigniter 3 and when i try to send email i get this error Cannot send mail with no "From" header. But the email still sends i got them in my mail.But when i use condition Code: if (!$this->email->send()) { echo $this->email->print_debugger(); }It says that...
如何在codeigniter中安全设置reply_to电子邮件地址 如何使用JQuery-Inputmask验证电子邮件地址? 如何搜索多个电子邮件地址 使用Mail::to()的多个电子邮件地址 如何使用regex检查逗号分隔的电子邮件地址 如何使用mimekit解析一组电子邮件地址? 如何使用Twitter API从电子邮件地址查找帐户?
Angular doesn't do ajax same as jQuery. While I tried to follow the guide to modify angular$httpprovider, I encountered other problems. E.g. I use codeigniter in which$this->input->is_ajax_request()function always failed (which was written by another programmer and used globally, so cant...
我的MX记录指向Gmail服务器,我的应用程序可以使用Gmail通过标准的CodeIgniter电子邮件方法发送电子邮件。最好不要更改指向为我们公司处理常规邮件的Gmail的MX记录。考虑到这些限制,是否可以使用SendGrid或Amazon发送电子邮件? 浏览1提问于2012-10-31得票数 4 回答已采纳 ...