Hi All, I am experiencing a 401 Unauthorized error when sending an HTTP request to a sharepoint page and list, to which I am the creator and owne
Click on New Step and search for the Action “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint”. Once you get the option, click on it. It will add the action to your flow. Site Address: Choose your SharePoint Site from the dropdown. Method: You can choose the method as per your requirement. Uri...
I've been using Site Designs and Scripts to provision SharePoint sites with pre-set document libraries, lists and themes but there are still lots of provisioning things that are missing to create a complete site template. This is where "Send an HTTP Request to SharePoin...
Just see a row in send a http request to Sharepoint I dont know what I´m doing wrong here, no matter what I do I dont see the table with enter keys and enter values. Any ideas?
In your flow, add this step – Send an HTTP request to SharePoint. Fill in the following details. In the Site Address, select your SharePoint site URL. Select the method as POST. In URI, add this endpoint : /_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail ...
Get to know the SharePoint REST/OData APIs Use JSON light Parse the response In Power Automate, the SharePoint Send HTTP Request flow action lets you construct and execute SharePoint REST API queries. This action is particularly useful in cases where the existing SharePoint...
You could try this via flow step 'Send an HTTP request to SharePoint'. Set the address as runtime parameter like you used now, method as Post and specify the Uri (Rest API). If this reply has answered your question or solved your issue, please mark...
The SendNotification element contains the push notifications that are sent by the computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 to the client application.XML Copy <SendNotification> <ResponseMessages/> </SendNotification> SendNotificationResponseType...
Post messages with card attachments that refer to existing SharePoint files, using the Graph APIs for OneDrive and SharePoint. To use the Graph APIs, obtain access to either of the following through the standard OAuth 2.0 authorization flow:A user's OneDrive folder for personal and groupchat ...