On minecraft server instances the command proxycommand "[command]" can get used via command blocks or other command sources, where a player is the source. The player must be a source of the command, since the plugin and velocity needs this to handle the context of the command execution and...
public final void sendToAllAround(IMessage message, NetworkRegistry.TargetPoint point) { dispatcher.sendToAllAround(message, point); } 代码示例来源:origin: Darkhax-Minecraft/Bookshelf /** * Sends the message to everyone near a point. * * @param message The message to send. * @param point...
and I know that all the parents were very proud of their young actors. My thanks to all the staff involved. Bringing a show together with so many young students is a big
importnet.minecraft.command.ICommandSender;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@Overridepublicvoidexecute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args)throwsCommandException{if(senderinstanceofEntityPlayerMP) {if(((EntityPlayerMP) sender).capabilities.isCreativeMode && sender.canUseCommand(2,"")...
* Send a packet to all the players in the specified dimension.<br> * Must be called Server side. */ public static void sendToDimension(IMessage msg, int dimension) { HANDLER.sendToDimension(msg, dimension); } } 代码示例来源:origin: Darkhax-Minecraft/Bookshelf /** * Sends the message ...