While WhatsApp itself can send videos, pictures and voice messages, no other content such as archive files, Office documents and so on. The WhatsApp File Sender app fixes this with an ingeniously simple trick: your files, no matter what type they are, will be converted to a voice message ...
When the user clicks the button, it will open WhatsApp with a pre-filled message. They can then select the recipient and send the PDF file manually. Remember that the user must have WhatsApp installed, and this method may vary depending on the platform and updates to the WhatsA...
Method 1: Send Photo as a Document on WhatsApp (In Original Format) Earlier, WhatsApp didn’t allow sending images as documents directly from the Photos app. However, WhatsApp has added a new option in recent updates that allows you to send photos as documents directly on WhatsApp. Here ...
In this guide, we are here with some easy ways that you can use to send large files on WhatsApp. We understand that it can be frustrating when you fail to send a file on WhatsApp because of its large size. Therefore, read this article to know about these methods and tricks. Table o...
You can register a whatsapp client with theyowsup-cli fromwhatsappimportClientphone_to='31641371199'client=Client(login='3161516888',password='secretpasswordbase64')client.send_message(phone_to,'Hello Lola')client.send_media(phone_to,path='/Users/tax/Desktop/logo.jpg') ...
It is easier to keep track of files that are sent as documents rather than images, especially when you are dealing with a large number of files. Steps to Send Photos as Documents in WhatsApp on iPhone and Android It is an easy and straightforward process of sending photos as documents in...
This page walks you step-by-step through how to use Telesign Messaging to send a WhatsApp message to an end-user that includes an embedded image, audio file, or video file. The media file is hosted by you. Before you begin Make sure you have the following before you start: Transaction...
It would be nice to be able to share files directly from that file directly into WhatsApp. Please let me know if this can be done as soon as possible, thank you 2 years ago 748 2 1 reply Sort By: Rank Page content loaded User profile for user: razmee209 razmee209 User level...
When you want tosend a fileon WhatsApp, you tap on thepaperclip iconand go to the gallery, right? The next time you do that, don’t tap on this option but instead tap on theDocument option. Once you tap on the document icon, you’ll need to browse through your files to find the...
WhatsApp allows file sizes up to 2GB. So, start by checking whether the file size falls under this bracket. Force quit your web browser, relaunch it, and check if WhatsApp Web resumes working. Basic Fixes Check internet speeds:We suggest connecting to a 5GHz Wi-Fi network. This will spee...