5 years ago In case the command:$sftpStream = @fopen('ssh2.sftp://'.$sftp.$dstFile, 'w');causes you a segmentation fault, try using:$sftpStream = @fopen('ssh2.sftp://'.intval($sftp).$dstFile, 'w');Credit: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7414175/php-sftp-seg-fault 官方...
getLogger("netmiko") device = { "device_type": "generic", "ip": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "username": "xxx", "password": "xxx" } with ConnectHandler(**device) as ssh: prompt = r"admin:.*" commands = [ "show status", "utils service restart Engine" ] time.sleep(20) f...
SSH into the Linux server where the Confluence application is running (assuming that Confluence is running on Linux) Run the following CURL command: curl -v "http://localhost:<UN_PROXIED_PORT>/plugins/servlet/remotepageview?pageI...
Edit the authorized_keys file on the receiver system to restrict the backup SSH key to a specific command. Copy ssh ol-receiversudo tee-a/home/btrfsrcv/.ssh/authorized_keys>/dev/null<<EOFcommand="/home/btrfsrcv/btrfs_receive.sh",from="$(hostname-i)"$PUBLIC_KEYEOF The format consists o...
Open PuTTY and enter your SSH information in theHost Name (or IP address)andPortfields. Then, clickOpen. Once a command window appears, type in your SSH username and password and hitEnter. Remember that PuTTY will not display the password, so don’t be surprised if it doesn’t appear on...
To run this command, follow the steps below: Use an application like Putty to Secure Shell (SSH) into the affected machine and log in as root. Use the following command to install wget in Ubuntu- and Debian-based Linux distributions. The install command may vary fo...
Used when forwarding a custom response to an Optout to downstream applications. Returns 展开表 NamePathTypeDescription status status string Command Status statusCode statusCode integer Command Status Code acceptedDateTime acceptedDateTime string DateTime optout request was accepted by Sendmode API ...
Pushes an SSH public key to the specified EC2 instance. The key remains for 60 seconds, which gives you 60 seconds to establish a serial console connection to the instance using SSH. For more information, see EC2 Serial Console in the Amazon EC2 User Gui
"(via command-line or configuration option)\n") if defined $relogin_delay and not defined $batch_size; # 'default' encryption is none -- this only prevents a warning $smtp_encryption = '' unless (defined $smtp_encryption); # Set CC suppressions my(%suppress_cc); if (@suppres...
I have a feeling the sending of logs via syslog just doesn't work on an MSA 2060. I've now tried with two different firmware versions including the most recent IN210R004, but on both occasions, there just doesn't seem to be any traffic sent. If I connect via SSH to the controller...