In these regards, the present study is aimed at evaluating in a multimethodological approach the nutraceutical properties of durum wheat husks belonging to the ancient cultivar "Senatore Cappelli", thus assessing their potential as bioactive compound sources in terms of phytochemical, cytotoxic, and ...
Indeed, the comparison with a set of Italian durum wheat cultivars conducted in this study, in which 24 CPVO plant descriptors were adopted, placed the 'TB2018' landrace in proximity to the 'Senatore Cappelli' cultivar. In addition, the close similarity between the two genotypes was confirmed ...
MON-PO352: Clinical Efficacy of a Durum Wheat Variety-Based (Senatore Cappelli) Pasta in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Trialdoi:10.1016/S0261-5614(19)32187-9M.C. MeleE. RinninellaM. Cintoni...
Senatore Cappelli pastatotal polyphenols and total flavonoidsglycaemic indexglycaemic loadfood structurePasta is one of the components of the Mediterranean Diet, despite considerable attention given, its use is still debated. Several studies encouraged the consumption of whole grain because of its many ...