13. This legislation is the product of months of discussion with members of both parties in the House and the Senate -- and it includes four key reforms: First, it brings FISA up to date with the changes in communications technology that have taken place over the past three decades. ...
The Senate, or the upper house of the parliament, has 62 seats, and the election was held for 58 seats, as two senators were appointed by the king and two others were nominated by the National Assembly, or the lower house. In the February non-universal election, the ruling Cambodian Peop...
sen·ate ˈse-nət : the upper chamber in a bicameral legislature especially, capitalized : the upper house of the U.S. Congress or a state legislature More from Merriam-Webster on senate Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for senate Nglish: Translation of senate for Spanish Sp...
: the second chamber in the bicameral legislature of a major political unit (such as a nation, state, or province) often used in capitalized form as the shortened name of a specific senate The bill passed in both the House and the Senate. Senate Republicans This article contends that most...
First-responder reform pits urban vs. rural, Senate vs. House.Reports on arguments between members of the U.S. Congress regarding the allocation of first-responder reform grants for states in the U.S. Role of terrorism in the appropriation of grants; Recommendation given by U.S. ...
Biden and Jackson watched the Senate vote, which fell largely along party lines, from the Roosevelt Room at the White House on Thursday afternoon. "Judge Jackson's confirmation was a historic moment for our nation," Biden tweeted with a photo of him taking a selfie with the judge. ...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The Arkansas House on Wednesday approved legislation preventing transgender people at public schools from using bathrooms that match their gender identity, while a legislative panel endorsed a measure restricting drag performanc
[00:00.00]The U.S. Senate has approved the nation's first major legislation aimed at protecting children from internet harms. [00:11.78]Two bills passed the Senate by a vote of 91-3 on Tuesday. [00:18.47]But the mea...
The Democratic legislation is based on a proposal first unveiled by GOP Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky during the 2011 debt limit battle. But McConnell weighed in against the Democratic plan even before it was unveiled, saying debt increases must be paired with spending cuts or other reforms....
Jackson, 51, was nominated by Biden late February to succeed liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who is about to retire this summer. White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday that Biden "is looking forward to Judge Jackson getting confirmed." ...