Senate Chaplain Barry Black took a moment to praise the SouthCarolina state government Thursday...Bowman, Bridget
Senate starts the day's session. The presiding officer of the Senate, sometimes the vice president but usually the president pro tempore, accompanies the Senate chaplain to the rostrum to lead the chamber in an opening prayer.After short speeches by the majority and minority leaders, the Senate...
One of the Senate's first chaplains,theRev. William White,gaveprayersin a series that included theLord's Prayer,theCollect for Ash Wednesday, prayersfor peace and grace,a general thanksgiving, St. Chrysostom's Prayer,and aprayerseeking'the grace of our Lord Jesus Ch...
Dr. Barry Black, the Senate chaplain, opened the rare weekend session with a prayer for lawmakers as they "seek to resolve the problem of this government shutdown," asking to "remind them to the miscalculations in our history." "Provide...
Senate Chaplain Shows His Disapproval during Morning PrayerWASHINGTON -- The disapproval comes from angry constituents, baffled party elders and colleagues...Peters, Jeremy W
Harris, Hamil R