In 2024, the average salary for Texas teachers was $62,500, with rural teachers frequently earning less.
Updated on: February 27, 2025 / 6:11 AM CST/ CBS Texas The Texas Senateunanimously passed Senate Bill 26on Wednesday, seeking toprovide substantial pay raisesfor teachers statewide. Lt. Gov. Dan PatrickCBS News Texas Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the Senate, emphasized his...
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana teachers would have to renew requests every year for automatic paycheck deduction of union dues under a bill that’s been approved by the state Senate.
The article discusses the Texas Senate Bill 321 which was signed into law by state Governor Rick Perry and took effect on September 1, 2011. The bill codifies the employees' right to transport and store firearms and ammunitions on the property of their employers. Some of the exemptions of ...
Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) is likely to also experience a competitive re-election race but not for the general election. With his state returning to a partisan primary system, Sen. Cassidy, for the first time, will have to face a strong Republican challenger before only Republican voters...
This week the Texas Senate passed a bill that would increase the penalties for tampering with or removing an ankle monitor that a person is required to wear. Senate Bill 1004 by Senator Joan Huffman increases the penalty to a state jail felony, unless the person is in a super-intensive supe...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced that a Houston-area midwife has been arrested and accused of providing illegal abortions, marking the first time authorities have filed criminal charges under the state’s near-total abortion ban ...
A bill that would allow Texas college students to keep handguns locked in their cars in college campus parking lots easily passed the state Senate on Tuesday. The bill, OK'd in a bipartisan 27-4 vote, would override rules by several state colleges and universities that prohibit guns on ...
The A&M System plans to allocate $45 million to Texas A&M University-San Antonio to build a public health and education building after the Texas Legislature approved Senate Bill 52, a bill that would provide funds for higher education. The bill is pending Gov. Abbott’s endorsement. The ...
AUSTIN —Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told CBS News Texas that by Feb. 5, the Texas Senate will approve a bill to provide $1 billion in taxpayer money to thousands of students statewide to attend private school. The measure,known as SB 2, passed out of the Senate Education K-16 Committee Tues...