Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Senior Judge Andre M. Davis Senior Judge Ira Morton Greenburg Senior USD Judge Richard Leon Seniors Sentencing Serrano-Alberto v. Att...
Lynch enjoys unanimous support from the Senate's 46 Democrats. Among Republicans, she's received the public backing of Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Kirk. President Obama first nominated Lynch last Novemberafte...
Sen. Lindsey Graham is a big deal in Washington. He is chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, a media-savvy Republican leader and golf partner of President Trump. Graham commands attention and wields influence on Capitol Hill on everything from national defense to confirmat...