Video object segmentation (VOS) is an essential part of autonomous vehicle navigation. The real-time speed is very important for the autonomous vehicle algorithms along with the accuracy metric. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised real-time method based on the Siamese network using a ...
video, semi supervised segmentation Semi-VOS(半监督视频目标分割)论文网络总结_默默默然的博客-CSDN博客 我大受震憾 牛 感觉主要贡献:zoom module 注意小物体,其他由于不了解video也看不懂hhh
AGSS-VOS AGSS-VOS: Attention Guided Single-Shot Video Object Segmentation Huaijia Lin,Xiaojuan Qi,Jiaya Jia CUHK,University of Oxford,YoutTu Lab ICCV 2019 paper DMM-Net Differentiable Mask-Matching Network for Video Object Segmentation Xiaohui Zeng,Renjie Liao,Li Gu,Yuwen Xiong,Sanja Fidler,Raquel...
这里的表格5展示了Performance on Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation, 因为对于无监督视频目标分割任务和半监督显著性目标检测任务更为相关. Semi-supervised video object segmentationaims at tracking a target mask given from the first annotated frame in the subsequent frames, whileunsupervised video object se...
Partial and Unusual Masks for Video Object Segmentation (PUMaVOS)dataset has the following properties: 24videos,21187densely-annotated frames; Covers complex practical use cases such as object parts, frequent occlusions, fast motion, deformable objects and more; ...
Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation on YouTube-VOS 2018 Leaderboard Dataset View by for OVERALLOSVOSOSVOSS2SS2SSTMSTMFRTMFRTMCFBICFBICFBI+CFBI+R50-AOT-L (all frames)R50-AOT-L (all frames)SwinB-AOTv2-L (all frames, MS)SwinB-AOTv2-L (all frames, ...
In this paper, we address several inadequacies of current video object segmentation pipelines. Firstly, a cyclic mechanism is incorporated to the standard semi-supervised process to produce more robust representations. By relying on the accurate reference mask in the starting frame, we show that the...
Video salient object detection VOS [DBLP:journals/tip/LiXC18], DAVIS [DBLP:conf/cvpr/PerazziPMGGS16], FBMS [DBLP:conf/eccv/BroxM10] [DBLP:conf/iccv/YanL0LWCL19] Semantic segmentation PASCAL VOC [DBLP:journals/ijcv/EveringhamGWWZ10], PASCAL context [DBLP:conf/cvpr/MottaghiCLCLFUY14], MS...
Modern video object segmentation (VOS) algorithms have achieved remarkably high performance in a sequential processing order, while most of currently prevailing pipelines still show some obvious inadequacy like accumulative error, unknown robustness or lack of proper interpretation tools. In this paper, ...
In this paper, we explore the spatial鈥搕emporal redundancy in video object segmentation(VOS) under semi-supervised context with the purpose to improve the computational efficiency. Recently, memory-based methods have attracted great attention for their excellent performance. These methods involve first...