网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 semi-negative-word网络半否定词 网络释义 1. 半否定词 网上教室 ... semi-auxiliary 半助动词 semi-negative word 半否定词 sentence 句子 ...|基于8个网页 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft...
This paper studies the metric structure of manifolds of semi-negative curvature. Explicit estimates on the geodesic distance and sectional curvature are obtained in the setting of homogeneous spaces G/K of Banach–Lie groups, and a characterization of convex homogeneous submanifolds is given in terms...
5) guidebarpartly-positivewarp,let-off;semi-positivelef-off 半积极送经6) negative let-off motion 消极送经机构补充资料:送经臣富顺寺丞 【诗文】:故人为县楚江边,海角犹闻政事传。万井已安如赤子,一麾今去上青天。应开醉眼酴醾下,莫起归心杜宇前。报主代亲俱有地,几人忠孝似君全。【注释】:【...
PURPOSE:To obtain a sheet for culture house capable of economically culturing a semi-shade plant such as Japanese horseradish or ginseng in short period without being limited to culturing area or natural conditions on culture and capable of carrying out culture in general uplands, paddy fields, vac...
网络半负定矩阵 网络释义 1. 半负定矩阵 ...(nonpositive definite) 或半负定矩阵(negative semi-definite); 对于任意的非零向量,如有>0(<0),则称A是正(负) …|基于4个网页
Convex and Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations We present several new variations on the theme of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). Considering factorizations of the form X=FG^T, we focus on algori... DingChris H. Q,LiTao,JordanMichael I - 《IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Mach...
摘要: The following sections are included:Negative definite functionsConvolution semigroups and resolventsLévy functionsThe Lévy-Khintchine representation#Negative definite functions#Convolution semigroups and resolvents#Lévy functions#The Lévy-Khintchine representation...
5) negative semidefinite quadratic form 半负定二次形式6) positive semidefinite quadratic 半正定二次型 1. The conditions of positive semidefinite quadratic form are given according to its definition,and some properties of postive semidefinite matrix are given according to its definition in the paper...
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Semisupervised Heterogeneous Data Coclustering Coclustering heterogeneous data has attracted extensive attention recently due to its high impact on various important applications, such us text mining, i... Chen,Yanhua - 《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineer...