Semi-annihilation is a generic feature of particle dark matter that is most easily probed by cosmic ray experiments. We explore models where the semi-annihilation cross section is enhanced at late times and low temperatures by the presence of an s-channel resonance near threshold. The relic ...
Semi-annihilation leads to non-trivial dark matter dynamics in the early universe, often dominating over ordinary annihilation in determining the relic abundance. This process also has important implications for indirect detection experiments, by e 展开 关键词:...
Special units are a sort of predecessor of Euler systems, and they are mainly used to obtain annihilators for class groups. So one is interested in finding as many special units as possible (actually we use a technical generalization called "semispecial"). In this paper we show that in any...
A study of the semi-analytical approach to four-fermion production in e+e− annihilation is presented. We classify all possible four-fermion final states and present results of new calculations for the 'basic' processes with the WW, ZZ, and ZH off-shell production together with some examples...
ZFITTER: a semi-analytical program for fermion pair production in e + e − annihilation, from version 6.21 to version 6.42 A. B. Arbuzov a , M. Awramik b,c , M. Czakon d,e , A. Freitas f , M. W. Gr¨ unewald g , K. M¨onig ...
ASemi-AnalyticalProgramforFermionPair Productionine + e − Annihilation D.Bardin 1,† ,M.Bilenky 2 ,P.Christova 1,3,∗ ,M.Jack 4 , L.Kalinovskaya 1,† ,A.Olchevski 1,5 ,S.Riemann 4 ,T.Riemann 4,‡ 1 LaboratoryofNuclearProblems,JointInstituteforNuclearResearch,Dubna,Russia ...
Semi-annihilation of Dark Matter arXiv : 1003 . 5912v3 [ hep-ph ] 19 Jul 2010doi:10.1007/jhep06(2010)109Francesco D’EramoJesse ThalerFrancesco D'Eramo and Jesse Thaler Semi-annihilation of Dark Matter arXiv:1003.5912v3(2010)
We show that the thermal relic abundance of dark matter can be affected by a new type of reaction: semi-annihilation. Semi-annihilation takes the schematic form ψ i ψ j →ψ k φ, where ψ i are stable dark matter particles and φ is an unstable state. Such reactions are generically ...
Toma, Impact of semi-annihilation of ℤ 3 symmetric dark matter with radiative neutrino masses , JCAP 09 (2014) 016 [ arXiv:1405.5870 ] [ INSPIRE ].M. Aoki and T. Toma, Impact of semi-annihilation of Z3 symmetric dark matter with radiative neutrino masses, JCAP 1409 (2014) ...
Thaler, Multiple Gamma Lines from Semi-Annihilation , JCAP 04 (2013) 030 [ arXiv:1210.7817 ] [ INSPIRE ].F. D’Eramo, M. McCullough and J. Thaler, Multiple gamma lines from semi-annihilation, JCAP 04 (2013) 030 [ arXiv:1210.7817 ] [ inSPIRE ]....