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The UV hypothesis would predict that some animated film characters that are intended to appear realistic elicit negative affective reactions in viewers. Consistently, computer-animated films using state-of-the-art animation techniques, such as Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (Aida et al., 2001),...
Furthermore, as stated in [33], when it comes to semi-supervised tasks using GANs, good classification performance is not compatible with a realistic generator output. Using feature matching results in better semi-supervised learning performances but, as a drawback, generates worse images. The ...
Toward Realistic Computer Modeling of Paraffin-Based Composite Materials: Critical Assessment of Atomic-Scale Models of Paraffins. RSC Adv. 2019, 9, 38834–38847. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Fal’Kovich, S.G.; Larin, S.; Nazarychev, V.; Volgin, I.; Gurtovenko, A.; Lyulin, S. ...
- Copy and paste MODELS content into Empire Earth Art of the Conquest-data-models - Do not copy the db file PD: To remove the mod correctly you need to uninstall and install Empire Earth, there is another way but surely many will get lost in the explanation(More than anything because by...
To do so, it relies on the Earth Viewer library, a modification to osgEarth [18] (which, in turn, relies on OpenSceneGraph [19]) capable of generating realistic Earth images as long as the camera height over the terrain is significantly higher than the vertical relief present in the image...
oFfuthrtehsearmmpolrees, wweere stealkeecnteads tBhPe-tAraNinNing[2s4e]t,, aKnNdNthe[2re0s]t oanf tdheSsVaMmp[l2es5]wfeorre cuosmedpasritshoen.test set, which is really consistent with realistic situations. The test ran ten times to reduce accidFeonrtaBlPe-rAroNr.NF,utrhtehepramrao...