Washington State ballot initiative I-1639 categorizes all semiautomatic rifles as “assault rifles.” Ballotpedia quotes I-1639’s text: noting that the initiative is focused on “semiautomatic assault rifles.” Any rifle which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the...
Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of semiautomatic1 First recorded in 1890–95; semi- + automatic Discover More Example Sentences Now, still sitting on the floor, he braced for who would come for him first, fearing men with semiautomatic rifles. From Washington Post Instead, they ...
Because “assault weapons,” as defined by state and federal law, are semiautomatic only and can fire inneitherfully automatic modenorburst mode, they arenotassaultrifles. (THISarticle explains the current United States laws restricting civilian ownership of fully automatic/burst-fire firearms—aka m...
As the guns became lighter, including those added to planes, forces on both sides also more regularly used the weapons in place of single-shot bolt action rifles [source: Duffy]. The first widely seen semi-automatic pistol, meanwhile, was created by John M. Browning in 1910 and originally ...