These stains were necessary in order to determine the viability and ROS status of sperm prior to fixation and such that the samples could be express-shipped to our laboratory at UC Davis for flow cytometric evaluation. In preliminary work, we determined optimal conditions for fixation and staining...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessABSTRACT Information on prolonging the storage duration of cold semen with acceptable fertility in roosters is limited. This study aimed to determine the efficiency of solid storage with the addition of various concentrations of serine to the Thai native roos...
The novelty in our study is that we could demonstrate that fluorescence output of AI doses could be useful parameter to select for higher litter-size with either of the used Hoechst stains. The higher fluorescence of spermatozoa in boars with smaller litter size might be explained by a deficien...
It might be due to the similarity of those stains (heavy breeds; matured weight > 2.5 kg), and they were raised under the same environmental factors. The selection of chickens in both groups of high and low semen volume, therefore, could not consider using this criterion. The semen quality...
Sperm vitality is estimated by assessing membrane integrity. The dye exclusion method is based on the principle that damaged plasma membranes, such as those found in non-vital (dead) cells, allow the entry of membrane-impermeant stains. In these assays, eosin is used to stain cells with damage...
Assessment of Spermatozoa Morphology under Light Microscopy with Different Histologic Stains and Comparison of Morphometric Measurements. Int. J. Morphol. 2012, 30, 1544–1550. [CrossRef] 46. Igna, V.N.; Mihailov, S.; Grozea, A. Staining Methods Suitable for Spermatozoa Morphology, Morphometry ...