Semen retentionis a so-called alternative medicine (SCAM) that involves intentionally avoiding ejaculating. A person can do this by abstaining from any sexual activity, stopping before the point of ejaculation, or teaching themselves to orgasm without ejaculating. Alth...
By comparing retention times, high-resolution mass data for SZS, blank, and rat plasma, 33 constituents in the SZS decoction and 13 in vivo compounds in rat plasma were identified. For prototype compounds, four were identified unambiguously by comparison with the references, SPI, swertisin (SWE...
Retention of cytoplasmic droplet by rat cauda epididymal spermatozoa after treatment with cytotoxic and xenobiotic agents Spermatozoa leaving the testis contain a cytoplasmic droplet which they release during transit through the epididymis before reaching the cauda epididymidi... MA Akbarsha,PNL Latha,P ...
Mostly because my life is cursed/an unending nightmare, I have been subjected to a lot of takes about semen retention lately. Part of this has to do with the fact that it is a specific alt-right talking point, with certain nazis going so far as to make statements like, “The (((elit...
it may be that effects of repeated exposure to the same stimulus affects ejaculate composition differently in species with pregnancy and short durations of sperm retention (e.g., many mammals; Holt and Lloyd2010) than in species that lay eggs and have long-term sperm storage (e.g., many ar...
The ultimate goal of the EEP is to enable the retention of over 90% of the original genetic variability of each species for a period of over 200 years [2]. Accordingly, populations are managed to minimize loss of genetic variability through stochastic processes, and to avoid inbreeding and ...
Semen retention is something that high-level professional athletes have practiced for a long time. Do you think Tyson would have bit Holyfield’s ear off if he had masturbated right before the fight? I seriously doubt it.The number one biologically hard-wired task that all mammals seek is ...
Thirty‐five ejaculates were collected from ten bulls of two breeds and evaluated before and after cryopreservation for several semen traits. The bulls were also genotyped using a set of sixteen bovine﹕pecific microsatellite marker loci. Fixation indices (FST), heterozygosity and Nei's genetic ...
The isolation window for MS2 was 2 m/z and the normalized collision energy at 20/30/40 in NCE mode. The spray voltage was set at 3.8 kv for positive mode or -3.2 kv for negative mode, respectively38. The raw data were processed using MSDIAL software for peak alignment, retention time...
12.Clinical Reserch of LaiFuzi Fuqi Therapy for Pain and Acuteurineretention on Hemorrhoid after Operation莱菔子敷脐疗法防治痔术后疼痛、尿潴留的临床研究 13.Kinetogenic effects of serum with semen raphani on colon smooth muscle in rats莱菔子含药血清对大鼠离体结肠平滑肌肌条的作用 14.Qualitative ide...