CVPR 2020 | Semantically Multi-Modal Image Synthesis 阅读笔记(翻译),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis(CVPR2020). Zhen Zhu, Zhiliang Xu, Ansheng You, Xiang Bai Requirements torch>=1.0.0 torchvision dominate dill scikit-image tqdm opencv-python Getting Started Data Preperation DeepFashion Note: We provide an example of the DeepFashion dataset. That is slightl...
Mask-guided noise restriction adversarial attacks for image classification - ScienceDirect Yexin Duan a b,Xingyu Zhou c,Junhua Zou a,... - 《Computers & Security》 - 2020 - 被引量: 0 Visual Representation Learning Guided By Multi-modal Prior Knowledge Zhou, Hongkuan,Halilaj, Lavdim,Monka, Se...