(defface lsp-face-semhl-id1 '((t :foreground "#58c1a4")) "" :group 'lsp-semantic-tokens) (defface lsp-face-semhl-id2 '((t :foreground "#98c1a4")) "" :group 'lsp-semantic-tokens) (defface lsp-face-semhl-id3 '((t :foreground "#6851a4")) "" :group 'lsp-semantic-tokens...
You need to add semanticTokens = true to enable it. Following is my config: hook global BufSetOption filetype=go %{ # https://github.com/kakoune-lsp/kakoune-lsp#server-specific-configuration set-option buffer lsp_servers %exp{ [gopls] root = "%sh{eval "$kak_opt_lsp_find_root" Gopkg...
void{conststd=@import("std");consta=\\µs\\;std.debug.print("{s}", .{a}); } Open the file in Neovim. Expected behavior The Zig code should be parsed correctly, and no error should occur when strings contain\\followed by non-ASCII characters. The LSP semantic tokens should be ha...
Semantic tokens are used to add additional color information to a file that depends on language specific symbol information. A semantic token request... Read more > HTTP/1.1: Header Field Definitions The Cache-Control header field can be extended through the use of one or more cache-extension ...
Rop mnpuicog gnitissl ffwj jkkd zn irvwoeev lk wpx re kzh SAFCA kjz rvbsentence_transformersLonthy birraly. Mv arstt hg timnoprig rpv eeetnncs errosmrstafn rbilyra gsuin z tbo-rednait oedml ndaemroberta-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens. Bbk dloem ja sedba nk sn hruicaetetcr dceall ...
:lua =vim.lsp.get_active_clients()[1].server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider { full = { delta = false }, legend = { tokenModifiers = { "declaration", "definition", "readonly", "static", "depre cated", "abstract", "async", "modification", "documentation", "defaultLibrary" } , ...
The code for providing semantic tokens between the language server and the client is almost exactly the same. doubt: No requirement for the order of semantic tokens was found in the LSP documentation. Is this a requirement for LSP? Or is it a bug in the vscode-languageserver/node npm packa...
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/semantic_tokens.lua:304: Vim:E976: Using a Blob as a String stack traceback: [builtin#36]: at 0x5cfd722462d0 ...local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/semantic_tokens.lua:304: in function 'handler'...
(defun lsp-terraform-ls--set-tokens () (setq lsp-semantic-token-faces '(("namespace" . lsp-face-semhl-namespace) ("type" . lsp-face-semhl-type) ("class" . lsp-face-semhl-class) ("enum" . lsp-face-semhl-enum) ("interface" . lsp-face-semhl-interface) ("struct" . lsp-face...
lsp_saga = true, lsp_semantic_tokens = true, marks = true, mini_diff = true, mini_icons = true, mini_indentscope = true, neotest = true, neo_tree = true, nvim_cmp = true, nvim_bqf = true, nvim_dap = true, nvim_dap_ui = true, nvim_hlslens = true, nvim_lsp = true...