Side effects included nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache but were mild and transient. “Our results show that weight loss is achievable regardless of initial BMI and the amount of semaglutide used,” says Dr Gudbergsen. “Using lower doses of semaglutide is cheaper for patients, results in fe...
says his team did not observe any detrimental functional effects in the hearts of mice with smaller hearts and thus would not expect any overt health effects in humans. But he adds that there may be more impact over the long term, or some forms of cardiac stress may ...
suggesting that the drug has other actions which lower cardiovascular risk beyond reducing unhealthy body fat. These alternative mechanisms may include positive impacts on blood sugar, blood pressure, or inflammation, as well as direct effects on the ...
but weekly injections can be burdensome for patients. A single shot a month could make it much easier for people living with diabetes or obesity to stick to their drug regimens, improving quality of life and reducing side effects and diabetes complications,” said lead author Dr. Claire Mé...