If define name as "/tmp/xxxx", and invoke sem_open(name, flag...), sem_open will failed with "No such file or directory". Looked into the code sem_open.c, the reason is that the name ("/tmp/xxxx")will map to /dev/shm/sem.tmp/xxxx, but sem.tmp directory is not there, so...
An argument value is not valid, out of range, or NULL. The value parameter is greater than SEM_VALUE_MAX. [ENAMETOOLONG] The name is too long. The name is longer than the SEM_NAME_MAX characters. [ENOENT] No such path or directory. The name specified on the sem_open() call does...
3)参数sem_flags是一组标志,如果希望信号量不存在时创建一个新的信号量,可以和值IPC_CREAT做按位或操作。如果没有设置IPC_CREAT标志并且信号量不存在,就会返错误(errno的值为2,No such file or directory)。 4)如果semget函数成功,返回信号量集的标识;失败返回-1,错误原因存于error中。 测试: 如果希望信号量...
armvirt64_path no Set the file path of openwrt-armvirt-64-default-rootfs.tar.gz , Use the path of the file in the current workflow such as openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*.tar.gz . amlogic_openwrt s905d_s905x3 Set the SoC of the packaging box, the default all packs all boxes, you ...
For example, VMs offer no facilities for application versioning, monitoring, configuration, logging or service discovery. By contrast, Docker relies on a different sandboxing method known as containerization. Unlike traditional virtualization, containerization takes place at the kernel level. Most modern ...
CESARIO, PaoloCOLLA, IvanSCIUTTO, MatteoSUGLIANO, FilippoCASCO, David GOMEZTAVANO, FabrizioCOSSO, TizianoFALTA, MichalIngegneria Ferroviaria
An argument value is not valid, out of range, or NULL. Thevalueparameter is greater than SEM_VALUE_MAX. [ENAMETOOLONG] The name is too long. The name is longer than the SEM_NAME_MAX characters. [ENOENT] No such path or directory. ...