Cet objectif Sony G pour appareils photo de type E permet de superbes photos ou vidéos avec la flexibilité du zoom motorisé 6x. Ouverture maximale F4 constante du grand angle 18 mm au téléobjectif intermédiaire 105 mm, avec une résolution et un co
索尼E PZ 18-105mm f/4.0 G OSS(SELP18105G)索尼E PZ 18-105mm f/4.0 G OSS(SELP18105G)是索尼旗下一款相机镜头。主要功能 规格参数
SONY 索尼 E PZ18-105mm F4 G OSS是功能丰富的标准变焦G镜头,约6倍放大倍率,电动变焦可实现优异的视频拍摄效果,确保流畅、安静的对焦以及平稳的变焦操作。焦距覆盖约27-158mm(35mm等效)范围,采用12组16片结构镜组设计,包括2块ED玻璃镜片和3块非球面镜片,在整个变焦范围内能实现高分辨率和对比度。恒定f/4.0光...
索尼SELP18105G镜头怎么样?画质优异,拍摄体验出众 索尼(SONY)作为全球知名的电子品牌,一直以其创新和高质量产品赢得用户的信赖。在摄像领域,索尼凭借其先进的技术和卓越的设计,成为专业摄影师和摄影爱好者的首选之一。索尼SELP18105G镜头值得买吗?索尼SELP18105G镜头是一款专为微单相机设计的标准变焦镜头,具有...
Sony Handycam® technology has been implemented in the SELP18105G to ensure smooth, quiet zooming that is ideally suited to moviemaking. Focusing benefits from the same type of pro-level technology, providing smooth, quiet operation that is also responsive. The length of the lens remains consta...
https://www.sonystyle.com.cn/b2c_sony/b2c/productRegister.do(复制链接到地址栏) 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则...
Sony Handycam® technology has been implemented in the SELP18105G to ensure smooth, quiet zooming that is ideally suited to moviemaking. Focusing benefits from the same type of pro-level technology, providing smooth, quiet operation that is also responsive. The length of the lens remains consta...
Sony Handycam® technology has been implemented in the SELP18105G to ensure smooth, quiet zooming that is ideally suited to moviemaking. Focusing benefits from the same type of pro-level technology, providing smooth, quiet operation that is also responsive. The length of the lens remains consta...
一、概述 索尼E PZ 18-105mm F4 G OSS是一款专为APS-C画幅微单相机设计标准变焦G镜头,型号为SELP18105G,用是E卡口,并配备电动变焦功能,这款镜头适合多种拍摄场景,包括运动、人像、街拍、室内、风光、夜景摄影,宽广焦段覆盖、优秀成像品质使成为一款值得推荐镜头。京东最新优惠活动查看》》》二、宽广焦段覆盖...