and to intangible assets such as goodwill. The allocation will determine the amount of capital or ordinary income tax you must pay on the sale. It will also have tax consequences for the buyer.
Business owners are used to looking at all sides of a transaction, and that skill comes in handy with the ultimate transaction–the sale of the business itself. It is vital to consider not only the financial and tax consequences of such a sale, but also the impact on one’s family situat...
a large immediate payout may be enticing, it’s important to bring your attorney or accountant into the discussion early, so they can advise you on potential options to help mitigate tax consequences, such as establishing a charitable vehicle or passing assets to the next generation, for ...
He adds, “Many business owners don’t have a clear view of what they will do following the sale of their business, while others have done little preparation financially. Seeking advice from a wealth manager and private client tax adviser specialist ahead of the sale provides num...
Navigate the competitive consequences of selling your business Engaging with potential buyers, especially those who might be competitors, inherently entails risk. Sharing sensitive information such as client details, employee data, strategic plans, and financial records prematurely can expose your business ...
Once you’ve decided to sell your company, we will consult with you on how to manage inventory, get your finances in order, and help you prepare for your tax consequences. When the business is ready to be sold, our professional sales staff will connect you with interested buyers while keep...
TAX CONSEQUENCES OF SELLING RENTAL PROPERTY.Reviews the decision of the North Carolina Court of Appeals on the tax consequences of selling rental property.EBSCO_AspAmerican Journal of Family Law
After the successful sale of your NJ business, Hanlon Niemann & Wright will be there to help you with: Corporation formation and business planning: Our service to you begins when the articles of incorporation are first written. Businesses must plan for profitability, tax consequences, employment is...
Buying and selling a business can be a complex transaction with many tax issues. These issues include whether the transaction is or should be a stock or an asset sale when the business involved is a corporation, as well as the tax consequences associated with the sale of a partnership or a...
Create a plan outlining your financial goals; focus on long-term benefits, such as getting out of debt andsaving for retirement. Consult with a tax professional to learn about the tax consequences associated with the sale and sudden wealth. ...