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Anson helped people put advertisements into newspapers and magazines in Ontario. The newspapers gave him a little money for each advertisement he sold. McKim and Company was the first advertising agency in Canada. Next came the radio and many more people could hear the advertisement's message. ...
For instance, residents of Ontario are required to purchase aused vehicle information package(UVIP) from ServiceOntario for $20. This document has information about the vehicle (such as the year, make, and model), registration history, a bill of sale, and more. You must also ensure the v...
C cheekedave Member Feb 27, 2016 56 43 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jun 15, 2017 #79 Well that listing is getting reported Reactions: DrivingTheFuture and JeffK Siciliano Member Apr 6, 2016 407 343 New York Jun 15, 2017 #80 These people trying to auction off their reservations are...
[I activity in Ontario,Douglas Fetberlii mal. a punishment ratherthan a pleasure. devotes a skimpy half-paragraph to It's too dangerous a sport to play about Ottawa's writing scene. but the city has with unless it'sreallygood fun. many more centres that those you men- I wonder how ...