On the evening of last Saturday, Logan Kilpatrick, head of developer relations at OpenAI, said on X (formerly Twitter), "We have not rolled out access to Sora. If you see posts talking about this or offering access, they are either satire or a scam. Stay tuned!”Similar scenarios seem ...
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The biggest Tesla bull on Wall Street says stock selloff over Musk’s politics is overdone Mortgage Rates I fled our $2.2 million home due to domestic abuse. I’m the only one on the loan, but my husband won’t sell. What now? Mortgage rates just saw their largest weekly decline ...
Short selling is a trading strategy where investors speculate on a stock's decline. Short sellers bet on, and profit from a drop in a security’s price. Traders use short selling asspeculation, and investors or portfolio managers may use it as ahedgeagainst thedownside riskof a long position...
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Shipping the Remaining Items, Partly from Stock and Partly Assembled to the OrderChoose the icon, enter Warehouse Shipment, and then choose the related link. Open the most recent warehouse shipment that is created at WHITE location. Notice on the line for ten units of Kit A that the ...
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Short sellers bet on and profit from, a drop in a security’s price. Short selling has a highrisk/reward ratio, offering big profits, but losses can mount quickly and may result in margin calls. Jessica Olah / Investopedia How Shorting a Stock Works ...
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