Received nearly the exact same email right after posting my car on Craigslist. Seemed rather odd and glad I checked first! Login to Me Too Login to Reply or Kudo Previous page 1 … 33 34 35 … 41 Next page Haven't Found your Answer? It happens...
it can end up buried and Craigslist users will never see the post. Sure, if someone is specifically searching for the item they’ll find it, but we’ll miss out on a whole lot of views.
We got several prices for our example car, a staffer's three-year-old Subaru to find out which would be most generous in terms of value and convenience.
You can post car ads in a variety of places. If you’re looking to advertise online, here are a few sites to consider: Craigslist –This is a free site that lets you post an ad without revealing your email address to the public. However, it’s important to be wary of scammers. Ca...
What admin processing fees have you seen when shopping for a new or used Honda? Should you buy a car on Craigslist or from a private owner to completely avoid these admin fees? Does Honda Have a First Time Car Buyers Discount Program?
3. Put ad on Craigslist I first tried to sell the car via private party on Craigslist. I priced competitively (looking at what other cars were going for in the area) and put up a good picture. I made sure to post in my city but also in the neighboring city so it could get more ...
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Re: Selling used car on ebay scam caldreamer Rockstar (3937 ) View listings 01-24-2025 08:35 AM What website did you contact when looking for a vehicle? Sounds like something that would happen on Craigslist. If this was an EBAY seller you should definitely report this. Message ...
“I am sellingthree units because my house is old and has substandard wiring. «Vendotres unidades porque mi casa es vieja y el cableado es de mala calidad. Literature I am sellingthat Bowflex on Craigslist. Venderé miaparato para ejercitarme. ...
You need to research your car’s value and provide a vehicle history report along with a bill of sale for the buyer. You’ll also have to spend time vetting buyers from Craigslist or whichever platform you choose to use. Depending on the amount of time you want to put in, selling to ...