Atlantic Metals Xchange specializes in buying and selling a diverse range of valuable items. This includesboth buying and selling gold and silver bullion. And buying in scrap gold & silver, Estate jewelry, jewelry, bullion, and coins. We also deal with premium watches and diamond jewelry, offeri...
So I asked aboutselling the set for the gold scrap value. They tell me it's gold-plated! I was mad, but I didn't know if my ex knew or if he was scammed. The jewelers where he bought the rings had closed down because people were finding out when they were bringing in real diamo...
and the lone earring is also gold. Together, they’re worth around 250$ for scrap. The rest is silver, besides that doohickey on the top right. I’m not sure what that is, so I’ll give it to my jeweler to test.
and the lone earring is also gold. Together, they’re worth around 250$ for scrap. The rest is silver, besides that doohickey on the top right. I’m not sure what that is, so I’ll give it to my jeweler to test.
it hit an all-time low in the data going back to 1992. In July, according to the Commerce Department on Thursday, the inventory-sales ratio ticked up a tiny bit, as a result of a small decline in retail sales in July from the free-money blow-off spike, but remained ...
Imagine if someone had said, “free gold, no catch, come pick up.” Well, you’d have a really tough time with that opportunity. Not only would you be swamped with competition, but people might be so bent on it that they try to undercut you for the goods. It’s just too convenien...