The Craigslist app has an excellent user interface, which makes selling your old stuff very simple. Just upload a few photos and fill out the description details, and your ad will be posted instantly. Again, when you sell an item, you must arrange payment outside of the app, so the same...
Finding things online at a great price is another good option. You can find deals onCraigslist, Facebook Marketplace, orlocal garage sales, yard sales, and rummage sales. Once you’ve got your stock, it’s time to resell. And, you can resell in all the places shared above. Many people...
Craigslist is still one of the best options out there for selling your stuff. It might be a little no frill in terms of appearance and features, especially when compared with more modern looking platforms, like OfferUp, but it’s still one of the cheapest options out there. Charging no fee...
As a result, Baldwin's team would post on Facebook and Craigslist in the local markets to find these advance volunteers, and there was always a response. Baldwin discovered that there are "bright, motivated people across the US who want to connect with filmmakers outside of their regular ...