Flyp is one of the best selling apps to help you sell your unused stuff online. Plus you won’t have to deal with any of the hassles related to dealing with potential buyers, monitoring sales, or shipping and handling. Depending on the value of your items, you will take home between 50...
DVD’s,Blu-raysare top sellers on the internet and offline as well. And New DVD,Blu-rayreleases are released weekly by all major studios, (typically released on Tuesdays of every week).With the advent of Blu-ray releases, studios now rely on both Blu-ray and DVDs to supplement their re...
I need some hardcore truth about ditching thousands of DVDs and CDs from our own home collections (family of nine). My initial foray into the "refurbish" area has been met with zero interest. I initially posted entire lots, then separated artwork, di... 06-03-2024 04:54 PM Posted ...
Decluttr is far from the only game in town when it comes to selling used CDs and DVDs. These sites will also make you an offer: Book Monster Meanwhile, here are other places that will buy your used tech gadgets: ...
Facenda, Vanessa LRetail MerchandiserFacena, V.L., 2005. Walgreens now selling CDs and DVDs. Retail Merchandiser 45 (8), 11.
Efficient and Complete Data Entry List books, CDs, DVDs, Vinyl Records, pamphlets, ephemera, magazines, periodicals, journals, sets, bundles, and much more! Enter and edit bibliographical fields yourself, or scan an ISBN for near-instant auto-population!
01497 821613HancockandMonksMusicIt's a classicalmusicshopsellingnewandusedclassicalCDs,DVDs,second-handsheetmusic (活页乐谱) andbooksonmusic,bothin-storeandonline.SetupbyJerryMonksinBristolin 1974,theshophasbeeninHay-on-Wyeforover 25 years.Openingtime:Monday ~ Sunday 10:30 amto 4:30 pmAdd.:6 ...
(5)根据左下"HancockandMonksMusicIt'saclassicalmusicshopsellingnewandusedclassicalCDs,DVDs,second-handsheetmusic(活页乐谱)andbooksonmusic,bothin-storeandonline."(HancockandMonksMusic这是一家古典音乐商店,在商店和网上出售新旧古典CD、DVD、二手乐谱和音乐书籍。)及"MostlyMaps ...PeoplePeoplecomefromfarand...
Bonus:Decluttr also sells other items such as CDs, DVDs, video games, textbooks and Legos. Yes, they’ll buy your Lego building blocks by the pound. With sites like Decluttr, there are no listing fees or selling fees since you’re selling directly to the company. ...
Sell used items and make easy money with You don't know how to sell stuff online but you have plenty of used books, CDs, DVDs, video games at home? You wish to make money with it and don't want to throw it all away? Well, then try out the Bonavendi price comparis...