We got several prices for our example car, a staffer's three-year-old Subaru to find out which would be most generous in terms of value and convenience.
Can you sell your car to a dealership? Learn about the process and how to negotiate the best deal.
Bentley Dealer Surrey | Bramley is world renowned for its expertise and knowledge of both classic and modern luxury cars | Selling Your Car
While their impact is undeniable, imagine buying aused caronly to discover its airbags aren’t operational. That’s a terrifying thought as you’d likely never know until you were involved in an accident. More:VW Accuses Used Car Dealer Of Having “Bastardized” Logo Unfortunately, t...
Car dealer selling his majority stake in Calif. bank to Minnesota company. (R.E. Fritts; Inland Empire National Bank; Duke Financial Group Inc.)(Brief Article)Dietrich, R. Kevin
In 2024, Ford remained the leading car brand in the United States based on vehicle sales, delivering about 2.1 million units to U.S. customers. The United States is the largest market for Ford: wholesales to U.S. dealerships reached over two million vehicles in 2023. Car sales among ma...
Who’s buying and who’s selling car dealershipsAutomotive dealership transactions dropped in 2023, but there was still enough activity to rank it as one of the busiest in history. Read our analysis and dive into the data.Dealership acquisitions fizzle in 2023, though overall buy-sell activity...
You can check your dealer honesty by comparing somewhat regarding the car they inform you, with your research done via internet or by other sources for the same car. Use This Form To Send Request Name: * E-mail Address: * Phone Number: ...
CarMax sales consultants do not receive a commission based on whether customers finance their car through a CarMax finance source or a third-party lender — unlike traditional dealerships, which usually offer a commission to the sales consultant. Even so, approximately 70 percent of CarMax's cus...
A nasty legal wrangle ensued, first with Ford suing Cena, then Cena defending himself robustly before Ford then sued the dealer that bought and re-sold the car from Cena and eventually Cena apologised and settled with the company. Subscribe to our Newsletter Get the latest car news, reviews ...