This week on the #HealthLawHotSpot, host Ericka Adler is joined by special guest Jerry Diza, Partner at Pacific Reliance Medical M&A Advisors to share advice on how to successfully sell a med spa. Ericka and Jerry focus on trends in the sale of med spas and the steps to take to prepare...
On the flip side, hospitals and healthcare networks are interested in pur- chasing physician practices. Should you consider keeping the status quo, turning over many of the administrative headaches, or just retir- ing all together? As a provider, should you take over or continue a solo ...
Specialty choice in times of economic crisis: a cross-sectional survey of Spanish medical students ; (5) opportunity for professional development; (6) annual remuneration and (7) the proportion of the physician's compensation from private practice. ... JE Harris,B Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel,V Or...
Choose Specialty CareersCareersCareersCareersCareersCareersCareersCareersCareers LegalLegalLegalLegalLegal Opinion Physician's Money DigestPhysician's Money DigestPhysician's Money DigestPhysician's Money Digest PolicyPolicyPolicyPolicyPolicyPolicy Practice FinancePractice FinancePractice FinancePractice Finan...
All physicians and non-physician practitioners (i.e., physician assistants, nurse practitioners, etc.) are required to report any change in ownership, adverse legal action, or change in practice location within30 days of such change. These changes can be reported to a provider's or supplier's...
illuminate subtle promotional tactics other companies continue to aim at doctors, despite mounting concern on the part of some physicians and ethicists.rnAt the center of this controversy are medical communications firms paid by pharmaceutical and device companies to produce physician-education courses. ...
Investigates the truth behind the support of physician Jack Kevorkian for the practice of assisted suicide in the U.S. Career background of Kevorkian; Opinion on the interference of a medical expert to the desire of terminally-ill and disabled patients to die; His aims for performing euthanasia...
Reasons for online purchase of prescription drugs include the difficulty of obtaining a prescription for certain medications such as opioid analgesics, cheaper cost, since the costs associated with seeing a physician to obtain a prescription are reduced, and the need to obtain drugs such as opioid ...
I see the Westshore’s teacher, student, stay at home parent, physician, artist, plumber, attorney, working parent, CEO, dreamer, and general “I want to level up-er.” My job is to help you gain insight into your life, recognize blind spots, identify what is important to you, ...
Physicians' and Patients' Perspectives on Office-Based Dispensing: The Central Role of the Physician-Patient Relationship To describe physicians' and patients' reasons for participating in office-based sales of dermatologic products.Survey data on the attitudes, opinions, and ... P Ogbogu,AB Fleischer...