Selle Italia bike saddles available to buy at Sigma Sports, the cycling and triathlon specialists with FREE UK delivery on orders over £60.
Selle Italia SLR Boost Tekno Superflow Saddle Current price:$378.86Original price:$549.99 31% off (1) Selle Italia WATT Kit Carbonio Superflow Saddle $299.99 Page 12 Next Page Recommended for you... SRAM AXS eTap Battery Current price:$56.05Original price:$59.00 ...
Watt 3D Kit Carbonio Superflow €399,90 Size: U3 Special Price -5% Watt 3D TI 316 Superflow €319,90 €303,91 Size: U3 3D PRINTED SADDLES RANGE 3D saddles are the future of cycling. Using Carbon DLS™ Technology we've created a new dimension of comfort with evolved cushioning...
坐垫达到最大133mm宽度时,坐骨支撑的最佳位置位于Watt坐垫背面轮廓的附近。Selle Italia表示,这可以使带有侧切的坐垫总长度更长,因此骑手可以舒适地上下滑动更长的时间。Watt坐垫的坐轨夹持面积比正常的坐垫长10毫米,因此无论是铁三,计时还是公路,都可以进行更大范围的坐垫调整。鼻头下方的红色橡胶件可在挂在架子...
SELLEITALIA旗舰的3D坐垫!全。只做高品质SELLEITALIA最强的3D坐垫!结构强拥有一万多个支撑点及采用碳纤维的原料,不塌陷让舒适更加倍!多款型号 Selleitalia最新的铁三坐垫/WATT 3D 部分现货好价 期货预订有优惠
坐垫达到最大133mm宽度时,坐骨支撑的最佳位置位于Watt坐垫背面轮廓的附近。Selle Italia表示,这可以使带有侧切的坐垫总长度更长,因此骑手可以舒适地上下滑动更长的时间。 Watt坐垫的坐轨夹持面积比正常的坐垫长10毫米,因此无论是铁三,计时还是公路,都可以进行更大范围的坐垫调整。鼻头下方的红色橡胶件可在挂在架子上...
SELLE ITALIA将他们的新款铁三坐垫命名为WATT(瓦特,功率单位),名称中包含了这款坐垫的设计理念:在保证舒适度和性能的情况下,协助车手输出更高功率。鼻头被加宽到50毫米,有一层凝胶填充物,可以提供更好的舒适性。Superflow中空设计减轻压迫,中空处使用部分防滑材料,确保稳定性和踩踏效率。坐垫最宽处的位置后移,以提供...
2021Selle italia推出新款的Watt铁三坐垫,拥有科技的外观造型。镂空设计并加入防滑面料。前端更丰满的填充,可以增加稳定性和更高的踩踏效率。 #自行车升级##意大利##公路自行车#
Technical details of the Selle Italia MAX SLR Boost Superflow saddle material cover: Fibra-Tek material rails: titanium 316 Superflow cutout dimensions: 248 x 155 mm (L3) diameter rails: 7 mmRelated products Selle Italia Max S 5 Saddle - Superflow - L3 | black Selle Italia Watt Gel Saddle ...
Then there’s the price – well over US$600 ($319.99 for the Monolink post and $307.99 for the saddle) – which justifies using the term exorbitant. And finally, there’s the claim of power savings, which are hard to believe. Selle Italia claim a 0.7 watt savingper pedal st...