INTRODUCTION: Pituitary tuberculosis is an uncommon cause of sellar mass [1]; the estimated prevalence worldwide is not known, and there have been no reports of the condition occurring in Ireland. Tuberculosis of the pituitary gland may present as a sellar mass or with symptoms of hypopituitarism...
PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Barbaro NM, Rosenblum ML, Maitland CG, Hoyt WF, Davis RL, Maroon JC. Malignant optic glioma presenting radiologically as a “cystic” suprasellar mass: Case report and review of the literature. Neurosurgery 1982;11:787–789. PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Marus G, Levin CV, ...
Evaluation of Sellar MassesThe clinical presentation of a patient with a sellar mass can include signs and symptoms of hormonal excess, hormonal deficiency, or of the mass itself such as vision loss or headache. Alternatively adoi:10.1007/978-1-4614-8684-8_5Todd B. Nippoldt...
All patients died within 14 weeks of the onset of the initial symptoms and all were autopsied. Their primary lesions were hepatoma, stomach cancer, lung cancer, and mesenteric liposarcoma. 展开 关键词: Parasellar metastases Hepatoma Stomach cancer Lung cancer Mesenteric liposarcoma ...
MR imaging of the brain revealed an intra- and parasellar mass lesion extending to the upper clivus, sphenoid sinus, and right cavernous sinus. The intrasellar mass compressed the pituitary gland to the dorsal side. The lesion was isointense on T1-weighted images, iso- to hypointense on T2-...
Chief problems at initial presentation were symptoms related to hypopituitarism (3 patients), visual impairment (2 patients), headache (1 patient), and weight loss (1 patient) (Table 1). All patients had visual impairment; 2 had headaches. All patients had symptoms related to pituitary hormonal...
Children with diseases affecting the orbit or juxtasellar area often present with symptoms and signs which defy precise localization of their pathology. In addition, their clinical presentations frequently do not permit a differentiation to be made between mass lesions which should be surgically removed...
The duration of symptoms varied from 1 to 12 months (mean ± SD, 6.0±4.5 months). Formal visual field testing revealed bitemporal hemianopsia in 6 and a right-sided visual field deficit in 2. The tumor appeared as a well-defined, relatively homogeneously (6) or heterogeneously (1) ...
IgG4-Related Hypophysitis: A Rare Cause of Sellar Mass Presenting with Symptoms Mimicking Pituitary Apoplexy and Adrenal CrisisKevin C.J. Yuen
a benign melanocytic neoplasm arising from melanocytes present in the leptomeninges surrounding the pituitary.Both the Medline and Embase databases were searched for case reports or case series of patients with a sellar mass consisting of melanocytes.All 14 identified patients developed symptoms due to ...