复数:sell-offs 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 廉价抛售;出清存货 例句 释义: 全部,廉价抛售,出清存货,出售,售出,资产剥离 更多例句筛选 1. Rising equities were joined by surging commodities and sell-offs for government bonds and the dollar, as money came out of safe havens. 伴随股价上涨的还有,随着...
sell-off (redirected fromsell-offs) Thesaurus Financial sell-off or n (Commerce) the act or an instance of selling something, esp an industry owned by the state, or a company's shares Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
sell offs专业释义 <金融> 公司出于收缩性目的而进行的资产重组活动词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>> 行业词表 石油纺织轻工业造纸采矿信息学农业冶金化学医学医药地理地质外贸建筑心理学数学机械核能汽车海事消防物理生物学电力电子金融财会证券法律管理经贸人名药名解剖学胚胎学生理学药学遗传学中医印刷商业商务大气科学...
Define Sell Offs. Sell Offs synonyms, Sell Offs pronunciation, Sell Offs translation, English dictionary definition of Sell Offs. v. sold , sell·ing , sells v. tr. 1. To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent: We sold our old car for a modest s
1) Sell-offs 直接出售 例句>> 2) direct marketing 直接销售 例句>> 3) direct placement 直接配售 4) direct sale price 直接销售价 5) Direct leaching 直接浸出 1. By theoretical analysis and experimental exploration,a complete hydrometallurgical process flow sheet was determined ultimately:...
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that any rapidsell-offsbyforeign governments of their U.S. assets could trigger serious trouble for the world economy. americancorner.org.tw americancorner.org.tw 有些專家擔心若外國政府迅速拋售手上的美國資產,會為世 界經濟帶來嚴重的問題,敵對的外國政府有也可能嘗試煽動集體 ...
Chapter 16 - Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies Divestitures, Spin-Offs, Carve-Outs, Split-Offs, and Tracking Stocks 热度: Corporate Divestitures Spin-Offs vs Sell-Offs 热度: Sell-Offs and Firm Performance: A Matter of Experience ...
A TRADE union has warned England's footballing future is in jeopardy due to school playing field sell offs, with eight such sales approved in Merseyside since 2016. Overall, since 2010, the government has approved 20 school playing field sell offs across Merseyside. According to the union, the...
Sell-offs help Reuters weather global downturnBUSINESS STAFF