When you work to sell your stuff on eBay, you’re potentially dealing with buyers from all over the world – or at least from all over the country you reside in. If you prefer to sell your stuff locally and avoid having to ship your sold items far away, consider these local alternative...
If you have a lot of stuff you want to sell, it can be overwhelming to think about how to sort it and figure out the best place to sell it. Here’s a tried and true way to decide what you should probably get rid of: Go through each item in your house and put it through the ...
When selling on Amazon, your items will be lumped in with otheridentical products and can take longer to sell, depending on demand (the first item we listed as part of this feature sold within hours, however).Wayne WilliamsComputer active...
Check out the top 20 places to sell your stuff online. Plus, check out ways to maximize your earnings at the end of the article. Where to Sell (Pretty Much) Anything Online Amazon: Large Customer Base On Amazon, you can sell nearly anything you want. To start selling, you'll need to...
amazon has INSANE commision fees and ebay charges for every little detail they can. what goes for $50 one day may go for $20 exaxtly one day later. ugh Reply Alex Reply Mark http://www.ValueJockey.com. It is a free site where you can ask others what they think your stuff is wort...
Unlike buying on eBay, selling your stuff on eBay can be a very involved and bothersome process. Auction Pony is the place where you can drop off items you would like to sell on eBay.You just drop it off, and we do the rest!First, we research the value of your item. Then your ite...
The right to sell your own stuff on eBay, Craigslist, at pawn shops, and garage sales is as American as apple pie, right? Not so fast! This year the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether you really do have a right to sell the stuff you own. ...
Its not that hard to sell stuff online these days. eBay is the go-to destination for most people. Create an account, list your product and wait for someone to cough up money for it. But what if you don’t want to do any of that? eBay announced a new service today for the lazy ...
Thanks to the internet, you can have a garage sale without a garage by selling your stuff on Amazon, eBay, or Craigslist. Kate and I did this on a regular basis when we lived in an apartment and were in serious debt pay-down mode. Every 6 months or so, we’d take a day to purg...
Clean out your house and garage and make some money while you're at it! We've got all the best tips on how to sell your stuff online and in-store. Cash in your pocket while decluttering? Yes, please!Got an old cell phone lying around that you just don't need any more? Wedding ...