1. Invest some small money to find someone to write documents for your company. 2. The expectation of doing business with emails is low. 3. Chinese sales have problem in sales process. 4. If they don’t want your products, don’t be too aggressive by sending piles of emails to them....
Over 15 years of consulting dedicated to E-Commerce and internet in China and in Europe . Around 100 clients (brands, retailers, manufacturers, SMEs, startups) advised and followed for the last 10 years. Extensive knowledge in Chinese E--Commerce. Actively speaking & training for conferences a...
If you've ever wanted to sell items for your Yahoo Store, CraigsList, or Ebay Business, or were even thinking about doing it you must get this! As a former "insider" to the China import business, Amy provided direct information I would have never would have thought of. She provided info...
International brands can use Kuaishou in a variety of ways once they’ve registered and submitted the relevant business documentation: Produce Native Content Kuaishou is the ideal medium in China for reaching young users with native content if you have a business account. This entails creating engagi...
Is Singles' Day highlighted in your e-commerce calendar? Learn the insights to help your business cash in on the biggest shopping day in the world.
1. Invest some small money to find someone to write documents for your company. 2. The expectation of doing business with emails is low. 3. Chinese sales have problem in sales process. 4. If they don’t want your products, don’t be too aggressive by sendingpiles of emails to them. ...
1. Go to https://seller.pgmall.my/ 2. Fill in the necessary details and get your phone number verification code. Approval is close to immediate. 3. Once registered, you must log in to your account and fill up your store address. 4. Fill up your Business Info page. This process will...
“insiders” about the state of affairs. This seminar aim is to keep everyone up-dated about the Food & Beverage products normative in China. The topics deals withquality certificationmatters in Chinese law,import and export rules, safety and quality in the European regulation...
portion of your business or assets tanrich.com tanrich.com (d) 閣下身故或若為公司或法人團體則為任何原因而解散或與任何非聯屬公司合併成將閣下全部或 大部分之業務或資產出售 tanrich.com tanrich.com [...] may be agreed upon, and to hold ...