教材给的例子是sell call和buy put。理论上也可以是其他的角度。
认沽期权(Put Option):认沽期权是指买方获得以约定价格在未来某个时间内卖出标的资产的权利。买方支付...
期权本身分为看涨期权(call)和看跌期权(put),那么通过买卖期权,我们就可以得到4种操作方式,分别是买入看涨期权(buy call)、买入看跌期权(buy put)、卖出看涨期权(sell call)、卖出看跌期权(sell put)。 可以看到,如果强烈看涨某只股票,则可以通过买入看涨期权(buy call)的方式来“抄底”,而强烈看跌的话则可以通过...
大家知道期权(Option)分为买权(Call Option)和卖权(Put Option)。 你买了一个买权,叫做Lo...
Call option有权买入债券,增加duration,put option有权卖出债券,降低duration。所以,要买入2年期债券的call option来增加duration。我不是很理解这个地方的A和C选项 1.A选项的sell put option和C的buy call option 都是增加了duration,那为什么不选择A呢?
卖出看涨期权(Sell Call Option)若看好股票,可通过购买看涨期权买入股票,享受杠杆效应。 www.bocionline.com|基于5个网页 2. 选择权可以是卖出买权 该选择权可以是卖出买权(sell call option)或卖出卖权(sell put option),而未来各券商推出的ELN将多为固定收益商品加上卖出一 … ...
上述三點,寫出來不只是分享,更是提醒自己要小心謹慎,對於Sell put/ Sell Call 都是,歡迎大家搭配前篇文章一起研究討論囉!而Buy put/Buy call 不在本篇的討論範圍內。 再次強調微貓是以VIC價值投資學院上課所學的【價值投資選擇權】為底來研究操作選擇權喔!背後有相對應的理論基礎,如何選擇好公司更是這個方法的...
Buy put, you think there is a strike price that stock will go down from Sell options involve obligations Selling a call or put optionflips over this directional logic. More importantly, the writer takes on an obligation to the counterparty when selling an option; the sale carries a commitment...
There is another reason someone might want to sell puts. An investor with a longer-term perspective might be interested in buying stock of a company, but might wish to do so at a lower price. By selling a put option, the investor can accomplish several goals. ...
A call option gives a trader the right to buy the asset, while a put option gives traders the right to sell the underlying asset. Traders would sell a put option if they are bullish on the asset's price and sell a call option if they are bearish on the price. ...