It is possible to buy and sell stock in the same day; in fact, some people use this strategy to earn a living. Buying stock at the beginning of the day and selling that same stock later in the day is often called a round trip. Investors who continuously buy and sell stock in the s...
classSolution:""" @param: prices: Given an integer array @return: Maximum profit """defmaxProfit(self, prices):# remember i <= j , it means you can sell and buy stock on same day.# find the max profit = max(prices[j] - prices[i]) , j >= iiflen(prices) ==0:return0min_pri...
2. Research the stocks you want to buy 3. Decide how many shares to buy 4. Buy stocks using the right order type for you 5. Optimize your portfolio 6. Learn when to sell stocks — and when not to » How do you find a broker? Compare options among the best brokers for stock tra...
Getting out at or near the closing price of that big one-day sell-off on Jan. 28 would have still more than doubled your money from the 17.24buy pointat the April 2012 breakout. The stock eventually recovered and broke out again. On May 14, 3D jumped past a 48.11 ...
You are given an integer arraypriceswhereprices[i]is the price of a given stock on theithday. On each day, you may decide to buy and/or sell the stock. You can only holdat most oneshare of the stock at any time. However, you can buy it then immediately sell it on thesame day....
You can only hold at most one share of the stock at any time. However, you can buy it then immediately sell it on the same day. Find and return the maximum profit you can achieve. 给定一个整数数组 prices,其中 prices[i] 表示第 i 天的股票价格。 每天,你可以选择买入和/或卖出股票。你...
You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. You want to maximize your profit by choosing a single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock. Return the maximum profit you can achieve from this...
这道题相比之前一道类似的题122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II的区别就是加上了一个cooldown的限制条件,就是卖完股票的接下来一天不能再接着买,至少需要等待一天之后才能买。中间不能参与交易的那些日期就称为所谓的“cooldown”时期,现在问最大的收益是多少?
本题跟之前那道Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 最佳的买卖股票时间很类似,但都比较容易。这道题由于可以无限次买入和卖出。我们都知道炒股想挣钱当然是低价买入高价抛出,那么这里我们只需要从第二天开始,如果当前价格比之前价格高,则把差值加入利润中,因为我们可以昨天买入,今日卖出,若明日价更高的话,还...
one bank may issue a "buy" rating that is equivalent to another bank's rating of "outperform." In both cases, the analysts have determined that the stock in question should have returns in excess of the broader market.