你给出了这个承诺,就相当于sell a put option,那么给你10w 定金的哥们,买了这个承诺,他就是option...
When you sell a put option, you're promising to buy a stock at a set price if it falls below that level—similar to how an insurance company promises to pay if your car gets damaged. In exchange, you collect a premium upfront. With call options, you're promising to sell a stock at...
首先sell put是一个约定俗成的简写,完整的写法应该是sell put option.put option是卖出期权,也就是在...
Call option有权买入债券,增加duration,put option有权卖出债券,降低duration。所以,要买入2年期债券的call option来增加duration。我不是很理解这个地方的A和C选项 1.A选项的sell put option和C的buy call option 都是增加了duration,那为什么不选择A呢? 2.是不是因为长期利率上升,降低D;短期利率相对于长期利率下...
教材给的例子是sell call和buy put。理论上也可以是其他的角度。
“I actually really enjoy when customers ask detailed questions before purchasing items,” says Meesh, who finds that the communication helps her recommend the best products. But occasionally, she’ll even find that another brand might be better suited to her needs. “I have a lot of peers in...
A 正确答案:A 解析:答案为A项。option“期权”,是指在未来一定时期可以买卖的权利,是买方向卖方支付一定数量的金额(指期权费)后拥有的在未来一段时间内(指美式期权)或未来某一特定日期(指欧式期权)以事先规定好的价格(指履约价格)向卖方购买(指看涨期权)或出售(指看跌期权)一定数量的特定标的物的权利,但不负...
解析 B 正确答案:B解析:Correction: A put option is an option which gives the buyer the right to sell the currency at the stated strike price oil or before the expiry date.SECTION THREE (Compulsory) Write short notes on all questions below. Note form answers me acceptable.Question 3...
When you sell a put option, you agree to buy a stock at an agreed-upon price. Put sellers lose money if the stock price falls. That's because they must buy the stock at thestrike pricebut can only sell it at a lower price. They make money if the stock price rises because the buy...
Selling a put(看涨策略): You have an obligation to buy the security at a predetermined price from the option buyer if they exercise the option. 你的对手方是有权利卖,但你到时候必须得买。所以你in the money情况下就是低价接货(但之后如果跌到比strike更低的价格你可能就亏了),你希望不要跌超prem...