Chapter 3 of Concise Selina for Class 10 Maths has three exercises. Problems based on finding the profit or loss (percentage), dividend, number of shares, annual income are included in this chapter. Students can now access theConcise Selina Solutions for Class 10 MathsChapter 3 Shares and Divi...
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 6 Chapter 10 Sets Exercise 10(B) has detailed Solutions on elements belonging to certain Sets in this exercise
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 6 Chapter 7 Number Line Exercise 7(B) contains solutions to each and every question covered in this exercise
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 6 Chapter 10 Sets Exercise 10(A) has problems based on elements, which form a Set, along with suitable examples
Selina Solutions Concise Maths Class 7 Chapter 1 Integers Exercise 1D has long answer problems, which provide a strong hold on the basic concepts of integers among students.