Selfie2Anime Tweets by @RicoBeti What doYOUlook like inanime? Give it a try! Want to get in touch? Follow us on Twitter and Github to find out what other projects we're working and feel free to drop us a message if you have any questions!
Convert your selfie to waifu, a.k.a. anime! Using AI-tech, you will immediately get the anime pic that is most like your selfie!
We used a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model proposed in this paperUnsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation(also known asU-GAT-IT). The paper provides two generators: one that converts a selfie to anime-style image ...
Discover the innovative platform that uses AI to convert selfies into anime characters. Explore personalized virtual personas and enjoy the fun of AI technology with Selfie 2 Waifu.
Also checkout the presentation"Scaling Models to the Masses"I did forPerth Machine Learning Group How Does it Work? Using machine learning techniques combined with aGenerative Adversarial Network (GAN)makes it possible to generate anime-style characters based on real people. With this website, you...
# tflite_selfie2anime Generate anime-style face image. - Invoke Tensorflow Lite with [selfie2anime]( ![capture image](selfie2anime.jpg "capture image") # Reference - - https:...
The 40+ Best Yuri Anime of All Time The Best Turtwig Nicknames The Best Shows In The Arrowverse Fictional Characters Named Tony Seattle Seahawks 49 people are reading Celebrity Seahawks Fans Celebrities 255 people are reading Grant Gustin's Wife and Relationship History...
To vary a little from the classic selfie in front of the mirror, you can try a half face. Stand in front of the mirror so that as much of your body as possible comes out. Place the cell phone right in the middle of your face. Just far enough away so you can see the screen and...
Many anime and cartoon fans use anime profile pictures to represent themselves in a virtual world of social media, games and online forums. Now, such avatars can be personalized. Last month a team of South Korean researchers proposed a method that uses u
(also known asU-GAT-IT). The paper provides two generators: one that converts a selfie to anime-style image and the other one from anime to selfie. Here we only implemented the Selfie2Anime model since it better resembles the real-world scenario. The GitHub repository of the paper is ...